Galatians 1:10-12
10 Am I now seeking human approval, or God’s approval? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still pleasing people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
11 For I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel that was proclaimed by me is not of human origin;
12for I did not receive it from a human source, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
1) "God's approval;" "...received it;" "...a revelation of Jesus Christ."
2) Are we seeking human approval, or God's approval? A good question for all our actions and choices. Paul is correct that seeking to please people is to fail to be a servant of Christ. Certainly, I believe that in serving God, we serve God's people... all of them, especially the marginalized. But I am not seeking to please them. Currently, I struggle with boundaries in my own roll as a pastoral presence. I am not entirely sure of what I am able and not able to do. My roll as a pastor is to listen, affirm, and pray, occasionally offer supports and resources - very occasionally. But sometimes my need to be needed kicks in and I need a reminder that in my roll as pastor, I am not called to provide 24 hour homecare! Still, I want to do what I can do. Who am I pleasing? God? or a person in need who may or may not be entirely present to their own needs. God does call us beyond the comfort of doing nothing. We are called to serve "the least of these" and to "love your neighbour as yourself." But I'm serving God, not people. And it doesn't do anyone any good if I do things they could be doing themselves, or, if I beet myself up for not being able to do more when I simply can't.
3) What is the invitation in all this? When faced with not knowing how much or how little to do in assisting someone, ask, What serves God in this moment? To trust that I will be able to do whatever it is that God calls me to do.
"Holy One, reveal your way to us."
Breathprayer: "God's approval... revelation."
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